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Thursday, March 13, 2008


Bainite top and bottom are established terms used to describe the microstructures that can be easily distinguished by using microscopy routine, and whose formation mechanisms are well understood. There are, however, a number of other microstructures description of the steel that include the word 'bainite. These descriptions can be useful in the Commission's form of the microstructure. But this must be done with care, avoiding the natural tendency to imagine a mechanism of transformation simply because someone has chosen piece of terminology.

Granules Bainite

Of all the descriptions of unusual bainitique microstructures, granular bainite is probably the most useful and widely used nomenclature. In early 1950, shortly cooled continuously carbon steels were found to reveal microstructures which consisted of thick plates and those with a granular almost entirely "with pockets of martensite and kept ustenite, (Habraken, 1956 , 1957, 1965; Ridal and McCann, 1965; Habraken and Economopolus, 1967). Habraken and co-workers called this granular bainite and terminology has become popular because many industrial-heat treatments involve continuous cooling rather than isothermal processing. energy generation in particular, the industry uses huge amounts of microstructures bainitique generated by large steel components to cool naturally. Bainite granular is supposed to happen in steels were cooled to permanence, it can be produced by processing insulated.
The thick plates ferrite mentioned earlier, do not really exist. They are, in fact, beams ferrite bainitique regions with very thin austenite between subunits because of the low concentration of carbon steels involved (Leont'yev and Kovalevskaya, 1974; Josefsson and Andren, 1989). Thus, on a scale perspective, they give the appearance of thick plates. Many of the original conclusions were reached from the observation of the microstructures that are not of sufficient resolution to determine the fine structure in the jets of bainite. Indeed, the evidence of this interpretation of the so-called thick plates appeared in the literature from 1967, when thin sheet TEM observations were made by Habraken and Economopolus, revealing the thin ferrite bainitique platelets in the pulleys.
A feature (but not unique) granular bainite characteristic is the lack of carbides in the microstructure. The carbon that is partitioned from the ferrite bainitique stabilizes the residual austeite, so that the final miscostructure contains both retained austenite and some high carbon martensite. Consistent with the observation on conventional bainite, there is no redistribution of fluid replacement during the formation of granular bainite (Azevedo and Tenuta-Galvao-da-Silva, 1978).
The magnitude of the transformation of granular bainite is found to depend on the undercooling below the temperature bainite-start (Habraken and Economopolus, 1967). This is a reflection of the fact that the microstructure, and classic bainite, reflects a phenomenon reaction incomplete.
The evidence indicates that granular bainite is no different from ordinary bainite in the mechanism of transformation. The peculiar morphology is the result of two factors: continuous cooling transformation gradual bainite during cooling to room temperature. The low concentration of carbon ensures that all the movies or parts of austenite carbide that may exist between subunits of bainite are minimal, which makes the identification of platelets in the sheaves rather difficult using optical microscopy.
Finally, it is interesting to note that in an attempt to infer a mechanism for the formation of granular bainite, Habraken (1965) proposed that the austenite prior to the transformation is divided into regions which are rich in carbon, and those which are relatively exhausted. These regions are exhausted then supposed to transform itself into granular bainite. The idea is the same as Klier and Lyman (1944) and showed beeb be thermodynamically impossible in steels (Aaronson et al. 1966a)

Inverse Bainite

Ferrite is the major phase in conventional bainite; carbide precipitation when there is a secondary event. In the so-called 'inverse bainite' which is in the steels hypereutectoid is cementite which is the first phase of the form (Hillert, 1957). A plaque-like spine of cementite grows directly from austenite (Henemann, 1970) and becomes surrounded by a layer of ferrite. The term "reverse" reflects the fact that, unlike conventional bainite, cementite is the first phase of austenite rush.
The mechanism of the transformation is virtually unknown, there is no evidence that the growth of ferrite is a coordinated by the movement of atoms, and no crystallographic or chemical composition data. In judging from the form alone, the ferrite probably through the development of a mechanism for reconstructive transformation. It is premature to classify as bainite transformation.

Columnar Bainite

"Columns bainite 'is a description of a non-lamellar total of cementite and ferrite, the general shape of which is an irregular and slightly elongated colony (Fig. 11.3). The distribution of particles cementite within the colony is rather strange, the majority of the needle-shaped particles are aligned with the longest dimension of the colony. The latter region is surrounded by a layer of a different microstructure, in which coarse particles of cementite respond to austenite / ferrite edge on the interface (Nilan, 1967). The structure is normally observed in steels hypereutectoid (Greninger and Troiano, 1940; Vilella, 1940; Jellinghaus, 1957: Speich and Cohen, 1960), but it was found lower carbon steels with high-pressure processing (Nilan, 1967). It may be pertinent to stress that the eutectoid composition is shifted to lower concentrations of carbon per hydrostatic pressure.
The microstructure can be obtained at processing temperatures comfortable than those associated with conventional bainite, but there is no invariant surface strain relief that accompanies the growth of "columns bainie. It is probable that the columns is similar bainite more than that bainite perlite, but further investigations are required to make reasonable decisions about the mechanism of growth.

Perlite Bainite

In steel carbide containing elements forming strong, it is possible to obtain perlite, in which the carbide phase is an alloy carbide (M7C3) instead of cementite. The perlite alloy can be formed at a temperature above Bs, or slightly below that temperature, but only after holding the transformation temperature for very long periods of time (usually several days). Throughout optical microscopy, perlite engravings dark as nodules, but the settlements tend to have faceted crystal rather than the normal colonies nicely rounded perlite. This is probably a reflection of the dependence on the orientation of the interfacial energy of the alloy carbide.
Because of this aspect, transmission electron microscopy observations can be misleading. The crystallographically facets nodules perlite high resolution gives the appearance of parallel plates with ferrite intervene carbides, a microstructure of this magnitude similar to the upper bainite. The terminology 'perlite bainite' given to the transformation of this product is misleading. It is crude partitioning substitutional solutes during processing, there is no surface relief Indeed, the carbide phases of growth and ferrite in collaboration, and there is no reason to associate this with bainite microstructute .

Grain Boundary Bainite lower

Bainite nucleation occurs in most steel mixed with austenite grain boundaries. The lowest rate of nucleation bainite can be great at temperatures close to Mrs; the austenite grains become surfaces covered by the decline bainite subunits (Fig.11.5). The rate at which carbon partitions ferrite supersaturated is slow when such transformations is at low temperatures. Therefore, the sub-units are able to form in the tables without any intervention austenite (Bhadeshia and Edmonds, 1979a). These layers of sub-units are in the shape of allotriomorphs, but there is no doubt that they form individually.
The microstructure has caused some concern in the context of the 300M, which is an ultra-high-strength steel used in quenched and tempered condition (Padmanabhan and Wood, 1984). The alloy is very high hardenability sections of 10 cm in diameter can be carried out by air cooling martensitic austenitisation temperature. However, optical microscopy revealed the presence of allotriomorphs surprising on the detailed examination which proved to be the lower limit grain bainite described above.


Bainite granular bainite regular is essentially generated by continuous cooling transformation steels with low carbon. The mechanism of bainite reverse is not clear, but it is the formation of cementite as the main phase. It is not clear whether the ferrite, when he finished forms and ruin the cementite, for the development of a mechanism displacive or reconstructive.
If there is any doubt on the mechanism of bainite Conversely, the terms of columns and perlite bainite are misnomers and are undoubtedly best avoided. Columnar bainite is simply an aggregate of cementite and ferrite, which pushes a mechanism for reconstructive transformation. Perlite bainite is simply an alloy crystallographically facets perlite.
A high supersaturations, the tables below bainite subunit can quickly decorate the austenite grain surfaces, which gives an impression of allotriomorphs. This "grain bainite lower limit is much harder than allotriomorphic ferrite, and therefore is easy to distinguish.

1 comment:


Upper and lower bainite are the established terms that used to describe the microstructures in which can be more easily to distinguished by using the optical microscope. It also can tell the formation mechanisms which are well understood. However, there are number of other microstructures which describe the the word of 'bainite.
These descriptions can be useful in seeing the form of the bainitic microstructure. But this must be done with care, avoiding the tendency in imagine of simple transformation mechanism because anyone can chosen this terminology

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